Recess Week

8:10 PM

Yay finally the recess week is here!!!! I've been waiting for this day for wayyyy too long. It's been such a tiring first half of the semester especially falling sick towards the end. Okay no actually it wasn't tiring till I fell sick during the week filled with submissions D:

So glad that a short break's finally here now.

The first half of the semester has been pretty rewarding I must say, got to spend more alone time and time with my friends now that I no longer have any leadership commitments on hand, also time to work occasionally and earning my own keep. It's totally true that the best time to save up is when you're still a student. I can't picture having to slog my life out for the next few years trying to return back my tuition loan for my university fees. That's going to be crazy for me... so I guess I'll just try to save up as much as I can and hopefully fund myself for some travels before real life out there begin D: That's if, I can get myself employed immediately upon graduation HAHAHA Such first world problems...

Over the past one year I've developed this love for Sashimi all thanks to the bf and heyyyy I could eat sashimi all day long man. So standing sushi bar's Monday and Thursday's offers are such great blessings for me. Just look at all these yummy slices of salmon!!! Everyone should totally go try it on Mon and Thurs where there's $3 for 5 slices of salmon sashimi!

Being in senior year in hall also pretty much made me realise how much time I have wasted over the past two years on a lot of things where I could have utilize my time better, into doing more meaningful, productive activities. Right now I look forward to the end of every week to return home to home cooked (read: HEALTHY) dinners and having all the time to be spent for myself and my family and no obligations to turn up for things I'm not certainly interested in. Then again, I can never picture myself not staying in hall because I think I am certainly more attached to this place than I think I am. Love the personal space I get, the friends I have over here and probably this cozy little room of mine which has been with me for 3 years and have seen me through all the shit that I have to deal with... Growing up from a teenager to a young adult is pretty much an adventure and have strengthened myself so much more emotionally. Not sure if Year 4 will happen for me so I guess I shall just treasure my remaining 1.5semesters in hall for now.

Will update again soon after I finish sorting through all the photos hehe Happy Recess Week for now! ^^

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